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Merced City Councilman Echevarria remains a Whining Thug

Merced City Councilman Fernando Echevarria, censured by the City Council for making false accusations against the mayor and for demonstrating a choke hold at a Black Lives Matter rally about the death of George Floyd, is up to his stupid tricks again. During a discussion of increasing the per diem paid to council members, Echevarria was urged to claim that former Council Member Mary Michael Rawlings was forced to quit her position because she couldn't afford to pay a babysitter.

Virus notes: Novemberr 13, 2020 -- All one lousy story

MERCED (BLJ) -- Merced County lost two more patients today for a total of 166 deaths from the virus.

The number of California fatalities from the virus reached 18,160 today, an increase of 45.

The United States death count is 247,083,  an increase of 2,662..

The global total stands at 1,297,746, an increase of 9,780.

Drought again or permanent?

I've noticed in the last week the telltale, subtle signs of drought, a staleness in the air, clouds that don't produce rain, a warm, sick sunlight, stinking dust. But,, isn't that nearly a permanent condition in the Central Valley these days? When was the last really good rain year? I'm sure that sometime during the last 22 years I witnessed one but I can't remember it. Mostly I remember stale air, no cooling breezes, no rain, an unhealthy and very unbalanced climate. -- wmh


Bay Nature

Vitrus note: October 31,2020

MERCED (BLJ) – One hundred and fifty-six people have died of the corona virus in Merced County since the pandemic began.

California has lost 17,627 people to date, 56 yesterday.

In the United States, 233,187 people have died of coronavirus, 993 yesterday (getting very close to the unfortunate figure of 1,000 per day).

The global count was 1.187,014 deaths, 5,963 yesterday.

Virus note: October 28, 2020

MERCED (BLJ) – There are now 155 people in Merced County who have died of the virus, the Merced County Public Health Department reported Tuesday.

California reported 17,478 deaths, an increase of 80 from Monday.

The United Stated reported 230,176 deaths, an increase of 1,290.

The global count was 1,167,124 deaths, an increase of 8,241.


Virus note: October 21, 2020 -- Drip, drip, drip

MERCED(BLJ) --The Merced County Public Health Department reported yesterday 154 deaths from corona visus since the pandemic began. Drip, drip, drip. On most days, another member of the Merced County public dies and we are approaching the most dangerous season of all. Only three things have proved effective: masks, washing hands frequently, and social distancing. It is insane to oppose those measures and yet there is actually political ideological opposition to it blaring out of the radio all day long.

USDA wildlife slaughter goes on and on and on

The next time I am fortunate enough to hear a coyote or, if I"m really lucky, a wolf, yipping and howling at the moon, I will think of this article, which describes so well their wretched, hunted existences, canines hounded by Man.-- blj


US Agriculture Department’s ‘Wildlife Services’ Killed Approximately 1.2 Million Native Animals in 2019

By Center For Biological Diversity

Global Research, October 08, 2020

Center for Biological Diversity 7 October 2020

On the Trump-Biden debate

 A young firefighter had returned to the station after a 24-hour day on the fire line of a fire that had been burning and expanding for a month. He had bathed, eaten a cooked meal, and slept many hours before awaking, just in time to catch the great debate on the bunkhouse TV. When it was over, the young government employee asked one of the senior firefighters in the room, “What the fuck was that?”
