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Three by Pepe Escobar on Iran, China, and Russia


My melancholic contemplation of the Sixth Extinction (got as far as the White Nose Syndrome wiping out bats) has been rudely interrupted this week by the saber rattling flatulence emanating from the White House. I turned as this site has often turned in the past to Pepe Escobar, the former Roving Eye of Asia Times and the best correspondent in English on subjects like the New Silk Road and a region he calls “Pipelinestan.”

Nader on how to organize political resistance

Ralph Nader is not generally known for his insights into the San Joaquin Valley, but at this hour with the kind of corporate concentration we keep seeing more of in all aspects of agriculture and in all levels of politics, you’ll agree with us that he has a great deal to say about our local, regional and state public affairs, although he can speak as few others can about the nation itself.

--Badlands Journal editorial board



May 2019

Sun Magazine

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

The Sun Interview

The Great Work

It won't be long before it's fracking time

Oil prices are rising again and they’ve passed the $50 break even price for fracked oil. This has given the Monterey Shale play new life. Couple that with the Trump administration’s hatred of any environmental regulation and, Behold, 1.6 million acres of public lands along the San Andreas Fault are opened for oil fracking. The potential for catastrophe is immeasurable.



Sacramento Bee

Trump plan to allow new fracking on California coast, Central Valley moves forward

The velocity of the rate of extinction

The United Nations reported this week that the Sixth Extinction is well on its way. Without strenuous, consistent and intelligent action taken on a global level, the predicted “iconic” event of the new Anthropocene epoch of man-made ecological catastrophe is upon us. And the velocity of the rate of extinction in this epoch eclipses the known geological record.

First spring run Chinook salmon in San Joaquin River in 65 years

This news certainly deserved more than it received in this rewrite of a Bureau of Reclamation press release.  But, the event to which it negligently refers was tremendous and unique, an event which took 18 years in federal court, a fight for funding in Congress that cost one congressman his seat, and may be responsible for the insanity of another still sitting congressman, whose district straddles the Friant-Kern Canal as well as making the San Joaquin River habitable for salmon again.

Until ...

Until …


The world is facing its sixth extinction crisis, scientists are beginning to agree. 96-year-old Australian scientist Stephen Boyden’s comment on our hopes of preventing says what everyone involved in trying to save species feels:

“While there's a glimmer of hope, it's worth working to solve the problem. We have the scientific knowledge to do it but we don't have the political will,” Boyden said.

A fool and his money are soon elected -- Will Rogers

America’s  better angels, present and absent, are haunting us demanding that, just to start with, we remember, recall, bring important things to mind. Thorsten Veblen flies among our best angels, and Ann Jones, of Norwegian-American background like Veblen and like Veblen from the Upper Midwest, tells his story and shows his importance in the fewest and clearest words we’ve ever read. Nobody described American plutocracy – its origins and tendencies -- better and more fully than Veblen did in 1899, in his Theory of the Leisure Class.

Gee whillickers, Ma, I got the anxieties tonight

Badlands Journal editorial board finds the Atwater City government’s attempts to stop delivery of marijuana to its residents. Atwater needs marijuana like few other municipalities in the state. It reminds one member of the editorial board of an Indian reservation he once lived near that occasionally went around the bend when there was nothing but booze and speed available.

Our Great Recession continues

While the plutocrats get richer and the president proclaims the greatest economy in the history of the nation, the three counties which led the race to the top of the most inflated real estate prices in the nation and the race to the bottom of highest foreclosure rates in the nation are creating institutions to cope with permanent recessio
