The form of government you're left with at the End of History

 We fought a revolution to establish in a government of laws, not tyrannical monarchs who abused laws. We fought a Civil War and two world wars with the Great Depression between them to uphold this great principle. In the depths of WWII, in 1941,  President Franklin Roosevelt announced the Four Freedoms for which we were fighting against fascism and nazism: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, freedom from fear. 
 With the election of Reagan we began to believe in a government of men, perfected by the US Supreme Court decison on party lines deciding the 2000 Florida General Election, thus who would be the president of the United States.
Now, following the beginning of the Long War enslaving the nation to bankers, the  Great Real Estate Boom and the economic Depression, bubble economics and the mature operations of disaster capitalism and, after two more decisions by the US Supreme Court, which has become a nest of neocon pettyfoggying destroyers of the Constitution,  we are completely a government of monopoly finance and it can truly be said, according the leadership-culture zone which describes itself as the "Washington Consensus," that history has ended. 
We don't know why this suicidal urge ot obliterate history is so attractive to the neocon mentality. Perhaps it is some upper East Side/Ivy League elaboration of the Nacissist Nation. But it seems strange that rulling elites that have for centuries denied that their colonies in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean have any history of their own at all, should now divest themselves of that form of self-consciousness. 
Nevertheless, we still have anthropology and can study the mythologies of primitive peoples. For example, let us consider a pair of French proverbs older than the United States of America, written in one of those "Old European" languages (translation provided):
“Nulle terre sans seigneur,” and “L’argent n’a pas de maître,” – “No land without its lord,” and “Money has no master.” -- Marx, Capital, Volume 1, Chapter 4.