May 2023


Something we've seen throughout our lives here, again, powerfully expressed by Thom Hartmann, who draws out the consequences. For those unacquainted with the term, "Weathering," in a sociological context, read on (if you are not yet exhausted). == blj


America Is Being Exhausted By the Fear- and Hate-Mongers
So, what do we do?

MAY 2, 2023

Prudhoe Bay nesting birds in danger from oil and gas projects




Alaska Oil and Gas Projects Harming One of World's Most Vital Bird Nesting Areas
"In the face of current uncertainty, to protect migratory birds, the U.S. government should ensure the most important bird areas continue to be set aside," the co-author of a new study asserted.


Migratory bird nest survival "decreased significantly" near fossil fuel extraction sites in Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, a study led by the Wildlife Conservation Society revealed Tuesday.

The joke of our government is a joke on us

This is happening because of the complete  capture of governmental agencies charged with enforcing regulations by the industries they are created to regulate. It makes a joke out of government, which by definition but not in reality is "our" government. This is another example of our how government is killing us. The joke is on us. -- blj


The Guardian