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Virus notes: May 2-3, 2020


Merced County Public Health Department on the morning of May 2 reported 140 cases (six new) and three deaths. However, the Merced Sun-Star reported that county Public Health Department “officials have recently said that the number of total coronavirus cases since the pandemic began is more likely 450 cases in Merced County, but insufficient testing capacity has led to an incomplete tally.

Stanislaus County reported 380 cases of COVID-19 (6 new) and 13 deaths.

Madera County reports 46 cases and 2 deaths.

Virus notes: May 1, 2020

MERCED (BLJ) – Merced County Public Health Department on May 1 reported 134 cases (three new) and three deaths.

California reported 50,659 cases (809 new)  and 2,073 deaths (59 new).

The United States reported 1,130,075 cases (34,630 new) and 65,603 deaths (  1,870 new).

The global report for May 1 is 3,344,274 cases (87,428 new) and 238,775 deaths (5,387 new).

 Three characteristics of the Very Visible Enemy:

Malignant narcissism;

Managerial incompetence;

Anti-government ideology.



Virus notes: April 30, 2020

MERCED (BLJ) – This morning the Merced County Public Health Department on April 30 reported 125 cases of COVID-19 (nine new) and still only three deaths. As of 4 p.m. there are 131 according to the County, an increase of six since 10 a.m.. There are still only three reported deaths in the county. An increase of six cases in as many hours is alarming.

California reported 46,828 cases (2,346 new) and 1,954 deaths (81 new).

The United States reported 1,077,473 cases (27,014 new) and 62,444 deaths (1,970 new).

The "voluntary agreement" on water fails

Gov. Gavin Newsom began his term with a quixotic act of well-intentioned malfeasance: he proposed voluntary agreement as the solution for California’s water problems. The price: the coming extinction for one or more fish species in the Delta. He now seems to be returning to court, the only place the people have a chance against the lawless Westlands Water District and its lobbyist, David Bernhardt, secretary of Interior, and the malignant narcissist on top of the manure pile.

Virus notes: April 28, 2020

MERCED (BLJ) – The Merced County Public Health Department on April 28 reported 116 cases of COVID-19 (11 new since April 26) and still only three deaths.

California reported 45,218 cases (1,515 new) and 1,793 deaths (73 new).

The United States reported 1,025,242 cases (24,942 new) and 58,033 deaths (1,937 new).

Mexico reported 16,752 cases (1,223 new) and 1,569 deaths (135 new).

The global total reported was 3,083,468 cases (81,164 new) and 213,824 deaths (5,694 new).



Bloomberg News

Virus note: April 25, 2020

MERCED (BLJ) – Merced County Public Health Department on April 26 reported 105 cases of COVID-19 (three new) and three deaths (unchanged).

California didn’t file a weekend report.

The state of New York reported 288,045 cases (5,902 new). New York hasn’t reported new deaths for a week.

The United States reported 985.975 cases (29,600 new) and 55,417 deaths (1.489 new).

Mexico reported 13,842 (970 new) cases and 1,305 deaths (84 new).

The global totals were 2,971,559 cases (74,024 new) and 206,544 deaths (3,664 new).

A week ago:

Virus notes: April 24-25, 2020

MERCED (BLJ) --Merced County Public Health Department on April 24 reported 102 cases of COVID-19 (two new) and three deaths (unchanged).

California reported 41,338 cases (1,654 new) and 1,618 deaths (54 new),

The United States reported 952,585  cases (42,640 new) and 53,625 deaths (2,180 new).

Mexico reported 12,872 cases (1,239 new) and 1,221 deaths (152 new).

The global report for the day was 2,868,539 cases (79,224 new) and 201,502 deaths (5,727 new).

Virus notes: April 23, 2020

MERCED (BLJ) – Today Merced County Public Health Department reported 100 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (six new) and three deaths.

California reported 39,009 cases (1,723 new) and 1,512 deaths (105 new).

United States reported 887,787 cases (35,084 new) and 50,177 deaths (2,427 new).

Mexico reported 11,633 cases (1.089 new) and 1,067 deaths (99 new).

The global report for the day was 2,689,338 (70,444 new) and 188,437 deaths (5,445 new).



New York Times
