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Consortium News
Ban on Russian Cats
March 3, 2022
This is the extent of voluntary reaction to events in Ukraine.
By Joe Lauria
Special to Consortium News

The International Federation of Felines (FIFe) on Tuesday ordered a ban on the importation of Russian-bred cats, presumably anywhere in the world. 
“No cat bred in Russia may be imported and registered in any FIFe pedigree book outside Russia, regardless of, which organization issued its pedigree,” the FIFe board said in a statement.
The board said the ban was imposed because of events in Ukraine:  
“The FIFe Executive Board is shocked and horrified that the army of the Russian Federation invaded the Republic of Ukraine and started a war. Many innocent people died, many more are wounded and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are forced to flee their homes to save their lives. We can all witness the destruction and chaos caused by this unprecedented act of aggression.
On top of that our Ukrainian fellow feline fanciers are desperately trying to take care of their cats and other animals in these trying circumstances. We are extremely happy that many members of FIFe clubs bordering Ukraine, such as Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, are lending a helping hand to their Ukrainian breeder friends.
The Board of FIFe feels it cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing, so it decided that as of 01.03.2022:
• No cat bred in Russia may be imported and registered in any FIFe pedigree book outside Russia, regardless of, which organization issued its pedigree.
• No cat belonging to exhibitors living in Russia may be entered at any FIFe show outside Russia, regardless of, which organization these exhibitors hold their membership in…”

Badlands Journal editorial board note: The headquarters for FIFe appears to be in the Czech Republic, if in fact it has a headquarters and not just a "corresponding address".
The FIFe Executive Board

Mrs. Annette Sjödin

Mr. Veikko Saarela

General Secretary:
Mr. Eric Reijers
Czech Republic

Mr. Charles Spijker
The Netherlands

Mr. Leo van de Haterd
The Netherlands

Mr. Karl Preiss

Correspondence address:
Eric Reijers - FIFe General Secretary
Na Vršku 470/11
CZ-67167 Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 541227824