Welcome To Badlands Journal

The river and electricity

You can argue  that senior facilities in the Coachella Valley are not ecologically sound or even healthy, given the temperatures around Palm Sprimgs and Indio in the summertime, and, speaking as a resident of such a facility, I would agree with you but I came down here for family reasons. But, if hydroelectric power from Glen Canyon is interrupted, I can guarantee that some lives will end without air-conditioning in Southern California. -- blj

Impacts on Germany and Italy of war in Ukraine

Asia Times/Settimani News

A tale of two wars
Both sides think they’re winners, needn’t give in – but battlefield and European home front are separate wars
JULY 13, 2022

It may be a tale of two wars going in parallel. So far, they have not met but eventually they will meet and prove one side or the other right.

The first version of the war is the Russian one.

"Drought in the San Joaquin"

Drought in the San Joaquin
Bill Hatch, 2022

I am restless here at night
In the hot night lonely,
Slow, soft, slight continual blows,
And the absence of a Delta breeze
Irritates my heart.

The fat earth 
Is no good without water
No good without water.

Hot wind blows at night
Round the corners of sheds
Barns houses fences
Dust enters our bodies.

But the fat earth
Is no good without water.

Funeral drums for the Durango rubble Cesar Vallejo Trans. Bill Hatch

Funeral drums for the Durango rubble
Cesar Vallejo
Trans. Bill Hatch

Father Dust who rises from Spain,
God save you, free you, crown you,
Father Dust, who ascends from the soul.

Father Dust, who rises from the fire,
God save you, trace you, enthrone you.
Father Dust, who is in the heavens.

Father Dust, great-grandson of smoke,
God save you and may you ascend to infinity,
Father Dust, great-grandson of smoke.

Michael Hudson on the state of the world's economies

I would not ordinarily post an article this long but in this case it is worth it because it is the summary of  an analysis of the world economic situation, with political and social consequences, that is the empirically based rational shadow of American society's craven, lunatic aggression against its own poor and working class and what it perceives as weak opponents and economic victims abroad.

Apology for absense

I apologize for not making entries to Badlands in recent days. Following a bout of heat shock, I did not follow the advice of a fire-fighting friend, tried to do too much the next day, fell and among other wounds, broke my right hand. which has made typing difficult. I now have a more manageable cast for another month and will return to my duties, even if a bit tardy.
