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A boon for Fortress Merced County!

County Executive Officer Dee Tatum said the county hopes to rehire the 35 affected (mental health department) employees to open positions in other departments. -- Merced Sun-Star, Jan. 10, 2007

We congratulate Fortress Merced County for recognizing the need for mental health workers in its midst while noting the Merced public might be better off firing a whole bunch of sick puppies and build up a staff from the remnant of decent public servants who manage to survive under the radar.

Move your environment!

Merced County and our elected supervisors care deeply about the lack of entertainment and job opportunities in their jurisdiction. For this reason they have paved the way for a genuine NASCAR-level racetrack and the wise leaders of the City of Merced will undoubtedly approve a WalMart distribution center in the coming year.

We will have entertainment and jobs galore right here in Merced.

The only problem will be measurably worse air quality caused by:

A reliable man

A day after triumphantly ramming the Riverside Motorsparts Pork project through the Merced County Board of Supervisors, the Merced public was amused -- what else could it be? -- to learn that Board Chairman Mike Nelson had been appointed chair of something called the San Joaquin Valleywide Air Pollution Study Group. He already serves on the governing board of the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District.

Hope for justice: US v. Bush et al, by Elizabeth de la Vega

A former federal prosecutor, Elizabeth de la Vega, has just published a book called United States v. George W. Bush et al. The book is a formal indictment for fraud. Below is a flyer for the book.

De la Vega's columns on TomDispatch.com concerning the Scooter Libby prosecution cut through the political flak about the case and explained the points and the prosecutor's direction. However, these excellent articles gave us no hint of what lay ahead, a book-length federal indictment for fraud against the George W. Bush administration.

Re: General Plan Text Amendment on Expressways

131 South Auburn Street
(530) 272-8411
(530) 272-9411

December 19, 2006

Mr. Gene K. Fong
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
980 Ninth St, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95814

US farmers and domestic manufacturers ally against “free trade”

Shortly after the midterm congressional elections last month, a group of farmers and domestic manufacturers met in Colorado Springs to voice their mutual discontent with US foreign trade policy. Their leaders included US steel manufacturer, Nucor, the National Farmers Union, the American Corn Growers Association, the California Farmers Union and the California Dairy Campaign.

Slippery John Pedrozo and other misconceptions about the Riverside Motorsparts Pork votes

One of the amusements of the recent series of town hall meetings, the last held in the Merced County Supervisors' chambers, was listening to people stumble over the ugly name of the project, Riverside Motorsports Park.

The preferred mispronunciation was "Riverside Motorsparts Pork," although many people, realizing they has erred on the "sparts" tried desperately to avoid the "pork," which is the right name for the project, however mumbled.
