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A cry for help from Hong Kong

An old friend of mine, a Hong Kong resident, sent me this note from his wife yesterday. There have been news reports all evening of escalating levels of violence at the university she mentions. There are obviously great differences between the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong but violent repression won't settle them any more than violent repression approaching genocide has "settled" Tibetan Buddhism, Uighur Islam or Falun Gong Taoism. But it seems to be communist atheism or nothing in the PRC. -- wmh


Gov. Glamorous enters the lagoon

I believe that Ms. Boxall, veteran LA Times water reporter, has asked the wrong question in this article and for that reason got some irrelevant answers. Butter wouldn't melt in the mouth of some of the bigshots she interviewed. They might sing a different tune with a different president.

The question ought to have been: Is this why Gov. Newsom vetoed SB1, the legislative bill to restore pre-Trump standards to federal environmental law and regulation in California?

A New Silence

Following the weekend of worldwide youth-climate-change strikes involving millions of people, some members of the Badlands Journal Editorial board, residents of the San Joaquin Valley, the worst air-quality zone in the nation, remarked: “You think Global Warming is bad; wait till the wildlife is eliminated. “Billions of birds that used to fly and chirp in North American skies are no more.  Billions of birds that used to fly and chirp in North American skies are no more.

Time to remember Public Trust Doctrine

Facing fierce lobbying from well-financed water districts, the bill’s author, Senate President Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, acknowledged Tuesday that the bill might bet pulled from consideration until next year.

Democratic members of Congress, led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a powerful voice on California water issues, have demanded changes to the bill to allow for more flexibility.

Gov. Newsom caves under pressure from big water

We’ve read extensively about California state Senate Bill 1, an approach to resisting Trump and Bernhardt’s gutting of the federal Endangered Species Act, other environmental acts and their enforcement by federal resource agencies. Not that the federal government has ever been good at enforcing the environmental laws Congress passed, regardless of which party was in power.
