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Pombo update: Oct 13-26

As the evidence is mounting against Rep. RichPAC Pombo and he keeps demonstrating how corruption stupefies (he genuinely doesn't know he's done anything wrong and never will), we might pause and spend a few minutes getting a perspective on the Congress as a whole, provided in the Oct. 17 listing of Rolling Stone, "The Worst Congress Ever." http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/12055360/cover_story_time_to_...

Letter to Merced County Planning Commission regarding the Riverside Motorsports Park final environmental impact report

The following letter, partially read at the public hearing before the Merced County Planning Commission, remained in a basket beside the podium for speakers -- unread, therefore unconsidered by the commission -- for the duration of the hearing at the end of which the commission approved the EIR, General Plan amendment, zoning change and four other items on the project.

Bill Hatch

Re: Public hearing to consider the issuance of a proposed decision and findings regarding the Airport Land Use Commission's Find

Lydia Miller, President
San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center
P.O. Box 778
Merced, CA 95341
(209) 723-9283, ph. & fax

Steve Burke
Protect Our Water (POW)
3105 Yorkshire Lane
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 523-1391, ph. & fax

Merced County Board of Supervisors October 23, 2006
2222 M Street
Merced, California 95340
Fax: (209) 726-7977
Ph: (209) 385-7366

Via facsimile and Email

The Empire begins to shudder

Traditionally, congressional elections are linked to internal issues. In these elections, the issue of Iraq is important, maybe the most important in some congressional races in the United States. Of course, some historians, history will judge American history in Iraq. We tried to do our best but I think there is much room for criticism because, undoubtedly, there was arrogance and there was stupidity from the United States in Iraq." -- Alberto Fernandez, director of public diplomacy in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the U.S. State Department, Oct.

If Mexico had invaded Iraq

I had a dream last night.

And in my dream, Mexico invaded Iraq.

At first they came in small groups armed with shovels, rakes, hammers, saws, and wrenches, among other hand implements of construction.

Their orders had been vague: Invade! was about all that was said. So, unsure of exactly why they were there, they began fixing bombed out houses, electrical systems and water systems, because you need a house, electricity and water.

The little darlin's

Beyond parody

Merced needs new mall

Editor: As I was shopping the other day at the mall, I noticed the deadness of the mall. We as UC Merced students demand more to do in Merced than just go to the mall. Merced is a great city and I'm sure in the future it will be known for its many differences. Merced as of right now is not known for anything.

Pomboza caught obstructing new flood maps

Today's top story in the Merced Sun-Start was about more than 470 claims filed by residents near the city of Merced who suffered damage from flooding last spring. The are against the Merced city, county and Merced Irrigation District. The newspaper did not inquire whether the Franklin-Beachwood area is in a flood zone, according to Federal Emergency Management Agency 's 20-year-old maps. Possibly, none of the lawyers interviewed, who had their statements duly recorded, mentioned the fact either. It seems, from an insurance standpoint, the fact might have some bearing on the cases.

Cardoza votes to preserve habeas corpus

Rep. Dennis Cardoza voted twice against the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which eliminates right of habeas corpus for classes defined by the executive branch of the federal government. Habeas corpus is a safeguard against illegal imprisonment as old as the Magna Carta (13th century). The bill passed and the president reportedly will sign it tomorrow. Demonstrations throughout the country are scheduled to coincide with the presidential signing.

Among House Blue Dog Democrats, Cardoza was in a bare majority, a dozen voting once, 11 voting twice against the bill.

An odd endorsement

An odd letter appeared in the Merced Sun-Star on Oct. 12. It was written by local attorney, Ken Robbins, in praise of Dennis Cardoza, who represents this area in the House of Representatives. The ,letter appeared about the time a spate of letters in praise of Cardoza appeared. Apparently, in our Valley, we praise a politician who has no serious competition in an election.

Wal-Mart, workers and brain-dead Babbitts

Some recent clips on one of the greatest enemies of working people.

If this keeps up, Wal-Mart may go down in history as the poster child for resurgent unionism in America. If so, thank you, Wal-Mart, for being such a loud, domineering, shrill, braggart, rapacious and ugly corporation that you have become a huge symbol for corporate harm to working people, even to the extent of creating sustained, militant labor resistance to the pain you have caused through almost every one of your policies.
