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Public minutes on the Merced County Board of Supervisors public hearing on the Robinson minor subdivision application

“Give me a break.” -- Merced County Supervisor Gerry O’Banion

Merced County Board of Supervisors

Board Agenda Item PM #2
June 10, 2008

Appeal of Planning Commission approval of Minor Subdivision Application/Parcel Map Waiver No. 07-058 – Chris Robinson

Burch letter on Robinson subdivision application appeal, June 10, 2008

We are posting a letter from Attorney Marsha Burch, representing San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center and Protect Our Water (POW) on a proposed subdivision on the Robinson Ranch, which straddles the Merced River above the Shaffer Bridge on Highway 159, because it raises important issues concerning this apparently innocuous application. We will post a report on this public hearing soon.

Badlands Journal editorial board

Marsha Burch
Attorney at Law
Grass Valley CA

June 10, 2008

Via Email and Facsimile

"Chinatown" and "Day of the Locust"-level flak

The drama! The panic! The fear! Visions of people dying of thirst in yet-unnamed Southern California suburbs. Millions of acres of farm crops disked under.


At the Monday meeting in Los Banos with farmers, Bureau of Reclamation staff and Rep. Jim Costa is reported to have said that California has a perfectly good water system for 20 million people, the problem being that we have now around 38 million people and rising.

Merced River property owners urge friends and neighbors to support Claudine Sherron for Supervisor

Merced River Property Owners Group
e-mail: mercedriverprop@elite.net

May 28, 2008

Update to River Property Owners and District 4 Citizens:

The purpose of this letter is to encourage you to vote for Claudine Sherron for Merced County Supervisor in District 4.

Support of Claudine Sherron has grown out of the following issues:

Raptor Center thanks contributors

San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center
San Joaquin Raptor/Wildlife Rescue Center
P.O. Box 778
Merced, CA 95341

The San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center would like to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the tremendous support through the years provided by a small group of prominent officials and organizations.

The Raptor Center knows that this expression of gratitude for contributions to its projects and lawsuits is long overdue. The Raptor Center apologizes for its tardiness, but hopes these contributors will accept our gratitude.

Farmers protest Farm Bureau board action

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Letter to the Editor, Merced Sun-Star

It must have been a slow news day for the Merced County Farm Bureau News; the banner headline read: “Farm Bureau Board of Directors Unanimously Support Longtime Champion of Agriculture”.

This endorsement in the District 4 County Supervisors’ race prompted several subscribers to toss the newspaper, unread, into the trash. At least one Farm Bureau member canceled her long-time Farm Bureau membership in disgust. I called the State FB legal office in Sacramento to ask if they condoned this situation.

Is there a bounty for Sherron campaign signs?

Incident in Winton.

Supporters of Claudine Sherron asked people at a gas station in Winton the other day if they could put up a 4-by-8-foot sign on a cyclone construction fence beside the property.

The people at the station said they could and thanked them for asking. The fence is festooned with campaign signs but the people at the station said no one else had asked permission to post them.

Sherron's supporters put up the sign.

Several days later, someone cut it down.
