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An open financial wound of unknown consequence

The north San Joaquin Valley has gained another first. No doubt, Modesto-based UC/Great Valley Center is ecstatic to see that its "smart growth" agenda has been so hugely successful. Our area is now the nation's leader in mortgage foreclosures as the San Joaquin Valley bids to surpass Los Angeles as the worst air pollution region in the nation. The north San Joaquin Valley is now a suppurating financial wound for finance, insurance and real estate special interests. Who knows how far the infection will spread?

SWAT comments on South Merced Specific Plan DEIR

Merced SWAT
The Merced Stop Wal-Mart Action Team

Attn: Bill King
City of Merced Planning Division
678 W. 18th St.
Merced, CA 95340

The Merced Stop Wal-Mart Action Team (SWAT) is writing to comment on South Merced Specific Plan Draft EIR. We are a grassroots organization of over 2,000 Merced teachers, health professionals, business owners, parents, students, community leaders and residents working to protect the quality of life in Merced. Many of our leadership live in or near South Merced, and would be directly affected by this Plan.

Requiem for the Honey Bee

Sonny Star had an intimate chat with Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Shrimp Slayer-Merced, the other day and described itself as "encouraged" that he was "leading the charge at the congressional level to get special funding to fight (Honey Bee) colony collapse disorder," but that Congress should get on with the task.

This was the finest bit of witless or cynical buffoonery yet from this newspaper, but you know Sonny.

Any species of wildlife in an endangered condition is dead meat in Cardoza's hands.


Why are Merced taxpayers footing the bill for a study "to analyze the economic impact of a recent ruling by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that listed thousands of acres of both city and county land as 'critical habitat'"?

Isn't that basically an economic issue for developers and landowners?

How would somebody living in central or south Merced expect to benefit by the City of Merced spending $23,000 on the study and the Board of Supervisors presumably putting in $20,000?

Results coming in on government by FIRE

The decisions that have created the enormous mess in real estate in the north San Joaquin Valley were made by corrupt local land-use authorities, corrupt state and federal regulatory agencies, with state and federal politicians working the backrooms, all for the benefit of finance, insurance and real estate.

“This year, we’re going to see prices drop in every market across the country for the first time since the Great Depression,” said Steven Smith, a property appraiser and consultant from San Bernardino. -- Modesto Bee, June 3, 2007.

Steinberg's Blueprint for Growth

Better regional planning will help make the state's metro areas more attractive and livable, and that will allow them to grow and attract jobs in a cleaner, healthier setting.-- Sacremento Bee editorial, June 4, 2007

Endorsing a bill authored by state Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, the Sacramento Bee editorialized today that the Sacramento Area Council of Government's (SACOG) "blueprint" should be made statewide policy for urban areas.

FEMA floodplain maps redux

On June 1, the Lathrop Sun-Post reported that Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Shrimp Slayer-Merced paid the Lathrop City Council a visit on May 29 to warn Lathropians that the Federal Emergency Management Agency "is in the process of redrawing flood-plain maps and casting more stringent levee requirements in a post-Hurricane Katrina, climate-changing world ..."
