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Bioterror pork in Bean Town

The north San Joaquin Valley public might benefit from considering a few remarks made by Boston University professors regarding the Bio Safety Level-4 laboratory under construction in Boston now. Although the National Emerging Infectius Diseases Laboratory is sited in a densely populated lower income neighborhood, while the proposed site for the UC/Bechtel, Etc./Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory BSL-4 is in the middle of a bomb-testing range east of Tracy, what the BU professors said pertains.

Sonny Star, the gigolo press

To begin skip-loading the mountainous manure pile of propaganda that has grown up beside both the UC Merced and the Riverside Motorsparts Pork (RMP) project, let us start the tractor engine with a few simple words: both are bad projects according to state and federal environmental law and regulation. The legal arguments are included in numerous lawsuits. They are public information.

Surely, this can't be right

This document, signed by George Bush, president of the United States in 1990, appears to be out of date. Nevertheless, a web search for "federal employees code of ethics" recycled it. We were intrigued to note that, prior to the end of history, Rapture Time and the little tyrant, federal employees were not apparently required or permitted to cave to pressure brought by members of Congress on behalf of special interests, particularly in this region, finance, insurance and real estate special interests anymore than they were required or permitted to cave to special interests directly.

Dementia Bobcatflax

"The region has come alive. It's awakened," said Carol Whiteside, the Modesto-based center's founder and outgoing president. "We are no longer isolated and invisible." ...Other speakers said the valley still faces an uphill climb in many troubling areas. Laurie Primavera of CSU Fresno noted that rates of teen pregnancy, uninsured people and substance abuse continue to outpace those elsewhere. "We have a lot to do in health care," Primavera said.

UC at the Terror Trough with big hogs now

Under the new contract, the team, which includes Bechtel National Inc., BWX Technologies Inc. and Washington Group International Inc., would receive $297.5 million over the seven-year contract. The consortium also includes Battelle Memorial Institute, Texas A&M University and several small businesses...consortium is nearly identical to the group that took over Los Alamos, though the relative shares that each member has in the corporation is different. At Livermore, the University of California controls half of the six-member board, said Gerald L.

Defenders of Wildlife Testimony before House Natural Resources Committee on Endangered Species Act rewrite

What should be noted by the public living in the north San Joaquin Valley is that this region has been the focal point of one of the strongest drives to destroy the Endangered Species Act in the nation. This destruction was led by:

Julia McDonald, a Bush political appointee to the Fish and Wildlife Service who, among other things, concocted an "economic" study on the vernal pool critical habitat designation that was thrown out of court;

Real nice

The cities and counties of the San Joaquin Valley have been promoting rampant growth at the expense of the common air quality and asthma for children and elders for 30 years. Part of the reason they get away with it is because their officials control the regional air pollution control district. Within a week of his virtual sponsorship of a proposed 1,200-acre auto-racing facility, including eight tracks designed to draw visitors from a 100-mile radius of central Merced County, former Chairman of the Merced County Board of Supervisors Mike Nelson was appointed to the regional air board.

Propaganda of the higher learning

The worst cultural and economic damage UC Merced has done to the north San Joaquin Valley is reflected in this article, by Barbara Ehrenreich, about an incident at MIT. The enormous amount of UC propaganda for this land boondoggle --from UC, politicians, finance, insurance and real estate special interests -- endlessly dinned into the minds of our communities, has accelerated the destruction of one of the best Valley traditions: honest, hard-working people working their way up on a farm, in a company or local government without educational credentials.

A socially responsible approach to GMOs

Today, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced that there will be no more cultivation of genetically modified crops in his country. Although full details are not out, Chavez terminated a 500,000-acre Monsanto project to grow GMO soybeans.

Brazil and Argentina are still involved in GMO soybean production.

Chavez said that a policy of food sovereignty and security established by the Venezuelan constitution was the basis of his decision.

Which side are you on?

Come all you WalMart workers,
Good news to you we'll tell,
Of how Human Rights Watch
Has described your living Hell.

Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?

Don't scab for the Waltons,
Don't listen to their lies,
The working poor have got no chance
Unless we organize.

They say in Walton's WalMart
There is no neutral tent,
You'll either be for a union
Or a thug for management.

Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
