Welcome To Badlands Journal

Conservation groups' letter to the Governor in defense of CEQA

For Immediate Release, July 24, 2007

Brian Nowicki
Center for Biological Diversity
bnowicki@biologicaldiversity.org, 520-449-3898

For Immediate Release, July 24, 2007

Conservation Groups Call on Governor Schwarzenegger to Stand Up for Global Warming Law:
Senate Republicans Hold State Budget Hostage to Favors for Development and Fossil-Fuels Lobby

Badlands replies to Commissioner Lashbrook's information and commentary

To: Merced County Planning Commissioner Lashbrook

Thank you for your letter and the OTA press release. In the attachment you will find our reply.

Central Valley Safe Environment Network
San Joaquin Raptor/Wildlife Rescue Center
Protect Our Water
San Joaquin Valley Conservancy
Stanislaus Natural Heritage Project
Badlands Journal

Badlands replies to Commissioner Lashbrook’s information and commentary
July 21st, 2007

Greased pig contest in Congress

We rodeo fans down here in the San Joaquin Valley have had a ball for the last 10 days watching representatives debate the Farm Bill. McClatchy gave us minute-by-minute coverage of this greased pig contest, featuring Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, the fellow with the big 18-CA on his back. Cardoza was moving real good after them squealing, greased porkers. Boy’s got some moves in him we hadn’t seen before.

Hun talks on water

"There's no better place in California to illustrate the water crisis happening right now
in our state," the governor said (standing on the shores of the San Luis Reservoir in
Merced County
) -- Merced Sun-Star, July 17, 2007

Another piece of good news!

California Native Plant Society
Defenders of Wildlife
Butte Environmental Council


Contact: Carol Witham, California Native Plant Society, (916) 452-5440

Brian Segee, Defenders of Wildlife, (202) 682-9400 x 121

Barbara Vlamis, Butte Environmental Council, (530) 891-6426

Court Issues a Preliminary Injunction
against destruction of vernal pool habitat
in the Sunrise Douglas area of Rancho Cordova

Three pieces of good news

This means that other communities will be saddled with a potentially unnecessary NBAF and unjustified hazards. "We remain vigilant and plan tstand with communities across this country to oppose the proliferation ofthese exceedingly dangerous labs." said Miles, Tri-Valley CAREs, July 11, 2007

Three pieces of good news:

Central Valley Safe Environment Network reply to a Merced County Planning Commissioner

A number of local eco-justice advocates would like to thank Merced County Planning Commissioner Cindy Lashbrook for providing a public opportunity to discuss the place of the eco-justice movement in Merced County. Veteran local organizers understand better than the commissioner does that she is just a messenger for the special interests doing business through a combination of propaganda and political coercion to promote urban sprawl and environmental destruction in the San Joaquin Valley.
