Welcome To Badlands Journal

Water-Pollution Nation

Today the immediate concern seems to be algae bloom in rivers and lakes, which can turn into "red tides" in the Gulf of Mexico and can kill animals. Thirty-five years ago in the Merced County it was the water pollution at the US Fish & Wildlife Kesterson Wildlife Refuge causing the deaths and deformations of newborn birds, amphibians and humans, and causing cancer. Although this is happening from Vermont to California, the cause is the same, runoff from agricultural fields.

A Central Valley theory of the Amazon rainforest fires

I have a theory about the Amazon rainforest fires. It could only have come, I admit, from prolonged observation of agribusiness and real estate developers in the San Joaquin Valley. My theory is that  Donald Trump’s insanity, Chinese pride, and the Brazilian soy-bean boom have conspired to create a perfect storm.

The Developer-in-Chief and environmental law, regulation and enforcement

"Nothing in these new rules helps wildlife, period. Instead, these regulatory changes seek to make protection and recovery of threatened and endangered species harder and less predictable. We're going to court to set things right,"

Aged a decade, a wine that's still breaking bottles

Back in 1993, the Knight-Ridder newspaper chain began investigating piracy of Dave Barry’s popular column, which was published by the Miami Herald and syndicated widely. In the course of tracking down the sources of unlicensed distribution, they found many things, including the copying of his column to alt.fan.dave_barry on usenet; a 2000-person strong mailing list also reading pirated versions; and a teenager in the Midwest who was doing some of the copying himself, because he loved Barry’s work so much he wanted everybody to be able to read it.

Ranking of water stressed states

So much for populations growth in the "sunbelt," and when the very same people who have promoted the development of the "sunbelt" for the last 40 years pretend to find "balanced solutions" (or whatever their flaws come up with as the sophistry of the moment), you should be highly skeptical. -- blj


Access to water


The Guardian

US states face water crisis as global heating increases strain on supplies

The Border: a distressed prophesy

I have only one thing to say about the situation along the border, without even getting into the slaughter in the El Paso Walmart last weekend, as someone who has spent quite a bit of time studying it: what Trump is doing in order to rally whites whose grudges go back before the Civil War is exponentially increasing the corruption on the border. Like Abu Ghraib or My Lai or all the other horrors buried by vicious governments violently pursuing twisted political aims, in years to come stories will leak out of the hellhole there now.

Two good water decisions in California

Attorney General Xavier Becerra said raising the dam was bad for the environment.

“The court has stopped Westlands Water District from moving forward with a project that would hurt the people and environment in our state,” Becerra said in a news release.

 “Maybe others believe they’re above the law and can get away with it. But, in California, we’re prepared to prove otherwise,” he said. – Arthur, Redding Searchlight, Aug. 1. 2019


Redding Searchlight

Judge orders Westlands to stop work on Shasta Dam raise
