Welcome To Badlands Journal

Who bulldozed the Torres farm labor camp and why?

Felix Torres CEQA Scoping Request to Agencies
Feb. 6, 2006


Lydia Miller, President
San Joaquin Raptor/Wildlife Rescue Center
(209) 723-9283, ph. & fax
P.O. Box 778
Merced, CA 95341

Steve Burke
Protect Our Water (POW)
(209) 523-1391, ph. & fax
3105 Yorkshire Lane
Modesto, CA 95350

Petrodollar warfare

Published on 3 Aug 2005 by Media Monitors Network. Archived on 9 Aug 2005.

Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse
by William Clark

“This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous...Having said that, all options are on the table.”
– President George W. Bush, February 2005

Unlikely McCloskey?

McCloskey an unlikely opponent for Pombo

Fresno Bee

I was momentarily confused by the radio snippet I heard the other day about a Republican challenging Rep. Richard Pombo, the Tracy, Calif., Republican who has raised the ire of some for his conservative positions on the environment and property rights. Did the newscaster really say that former Congressman Paul M. "Pete" McCloskey would run against Pombo?

Have we reached a "teachable moment" yet?

January 28 / 29, 2006

The Impeachable Mr. Bush
An Aggregation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors

What will it take for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to be held responsible for a multitude of political crimes, recklessness, prevarications and just plain massive ongoing mismanagement of the taxpayers government?

The politics of death in Merced

The newspaper coverage of the tragic death of Greg Gomez, 20, of Merced, has from the beginning raised more questions than it has answered. With each succeeding article, the story gets more obscene.

A Badlands reader suggested that without putting all the official reports of the matter together, end-to-end, it is impossible to tell what actually happened. However, in politically sensitive matters including large private or public institutions, police reports do not always make things clearer.
