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Excellent article on California forests and fire



Fire, other ravages jeopardize California’s prized forests
Forest in California may be disappearing

ByBRIAN MELLEY Associated Press

KYBURZ, Calif. -- On a steep mountainside where walls of flames torched the forest on their way toward Lake Tahoe in 2021, blackened trees stand in silhouette against a gray sky.

Will Rogers on Owens Valley, 1932


"Ten years ago this was a wonderful valley with one-quarter of a million acres of fruit and alfalfa. But Los Angeles had to have more water for the Chamber of Commerce to drink more toasts to its growth, more water to dilute its orange juice and more water for its geraniums to delight the tourists, while the giant cottonwoods here died. So now this is a valley of desolation."

Another USS Liberty "mistake" in the offing?


Strategic Culture Foundation
Biden Move to Send Warships to Gaza Coast More Dangerous Than We Thought

Martin Jay

The temptation by Netanyahu to arrange a false flag attack on the Americans is too great if and when he sees the conflict not going his way.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is banking all he has on a single bet: that the U.S. will go the full nine yards in his madcap idea of a regional war between Israel and Iran’s proxies in the region.

Ancient grains rising


Ancient grains grow beyond niche market


By Jeff Gelski

ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA, US — Ancient grains have gone mainstream, creating a greater need for efficient distribution, prevention of commingling and consumer promotions.

Speakers at an ancient grains conference hosted by the Northern Crops Institute July 25 at the Oliver Kelley Farm in Elk River discussed how the ancient grains category has grown in recent years and what strategies may keep it headed in the right direction.

On the skills slaves brought from Africa

Reading Juan Cole is good for the soul. --blj

Dear Ron DeSantis: Consider all the Valuable Skills the Enslaved Taught Cracker Slave-Holders (For Which they were never Paid)
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The new Florida history curriculum on slavery says that some enslaved persons learned skills while enslaved that later benefited them, provoking shock and outrage across the nation.

"...To the Last Ukrainian"


"…To the Last Ukrainian"
By Ellen Taylor
Beat, but bivouacked, tonight
The newsflash tells us once again
America will make us fight
To the last Ukrainian.

We light our Lucky Strikes, and joke
And chew on this philosophy
And argue who, through rings of smoke,
This last Ukrainian will be. 

Basil says it won’t be him
For, through his nightmares, shells, and soot,
Comes fatal Baba Yaga, grim
Upon her tub and chicken foot.
