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50 state attorneys general launch mortgage foreclosure investigation

I read the news today oh, boy ...

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday that the administration supports a multistate investigation. But he reiterated that the administration is wary that a freeze could cause "broader harm done to the housing market and to the housing recovery."
That view is in contrast to other Democrats who have called for a national moratorium on foreclosures. -- Washington Post, October 13, 2010

Foreclosure and the Blue Dog Brat

At the bottom of this series of articles on the ongoing foreclosure crisis,  we see Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Pimplico Kid-Annapolis MD, trying to rack up a few badly needed points off the suffering of foreclosed homeowners while his lead over his Republican challenger, Bill Berryhill, shrinks by the day. We may say with a great degree of confidence that the Kid's "HOME Act" will be as dead on arrival this time as it was the last time he introduced it.

Future, coalition, development, growth, land-use planning, transportion -- but some of the words rendered meaningless

As foreclosure and unemployment gnaw away at the social fabric in the crumbling tract housing of the Valley, like highly trained, professional rats babbling our language, the usual suspects of Valley leadership met and scampered through their consensual maze inside a mausoleum of commercial real estate hubris in Modesto, a city that has been ruining its promised land for 40 years with no end in sight for its wanderings in darkness. -- Badlands
Modesto Bee
Building a Future: Planning experts share wisdom at summit

Fundraiser for Measure C: Be there or be unsimple

The Badlands Journal editorial board fully supports Measure C, which will be on the November 2010 ballot, and the board wishes to help publicize and support a fund-raising event that will contribute to the campaign. After a month of serious dialogue about what the measure actually says and might mean, board members Uncle Henry, the Dull-Witted Boy, Li'l Hector, and the Dull-Witted Boy's Mother, won the day. In fact, it was the Dull-Witted Boy's Mother that finished the dispute while waiting on the editorial board's breakfast table the other day.

Who owns the house? Update on the predator/prey struggle in the foreclosure industry

Guardian (UK)
Foreclosure funny businessThat US banks can skirt the paperwork required for home foreclosures shows it's one rule for them and another for us...Dean Baker
